I was just looking for some pitiful images of people who look sick so I could paste them here to help y'all feel sorry for me. ; ) Check out the one of the woman in the pink hat. I actually found it on a blog with the title, "How to look good with a cold". The blogger gives tips for what sort of make up to wear to help you look better, saying you might feel better if you look better. I'm all for feeling better, but I am frankly disgusted that there are even tips about how to look better when I'm sick. Can't I just BE SICK and give my precious body time to recover??? I figure when I'm sick that my body needs time to rest and recover. If I continue to push it as hard as I usually do, how kind is that? I see this as more of the societal drive to have to look "good" all the time. There's something screwed up about that!
Courage, je vous souhaite un prompt rétablissement.