I woke up with a ton of anxiety crashing through my sleepy eyelids. I have taken on too much, don't know how I can do it all, and the overwhelm is grinding down on me pretty hard. I get to this place every so often. It usually means I need some sleep, but that isn't really the case this time.
I've realized lately that my work isn't all about the painting though. I am passionate, as well, about women's body issues. I truly want to change the way people perceive women and beauty. I want the media to begin to portray normal women, not just overly-thin ones. And I would dearly love for all women to love themselves. Wouldn't that be amazing? I feel so drawn to those intentions that I can barely get myself to sleep at night, and I wake up with all sorts of new ideas each morning. That is a blessing.
And I'm a little bit tired! It's tricky trying to slow myself down enough that I can relax and enjoy the process.
As part of my upcoming art show, I am also organizing a performance series called Beyond Barbie: Piecing Together Today's Woman. I realized a while ago that the vast majority of my models are talented, gifted performers, writers, dancers, etc., so I thought it would be amazing to showcase their talents. This series was born out of that desire. I didn't quite realize quite how much work it would be! There are women who have taken on organizing each night so I'm not having to do the nitty-gritty of each night, but it's still astonishing to me how much thought it takes to pull it all together - marketing, program, tickets, press releases, etc., etc., etc. The gorgeous thing about it, though, is that almost everyone I've mentioned it to wants to take part in some way - helping, performing, organizing, attending. This series seems to have struck a chord in the most wonderful way.
So here I am with fabulous ideas being realized all around me and feeling overwhelmed because there's so much good! That seems a little bit ludicrous, but I guess life is like that sometimes.
My desire now is to get a bit of rest, remember to relax and breathe, and trust that all is well. All is very well. All is happening exactly as it should.
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