There's a VERY cool program available to people with a Google blog (like this one) - it's called Google Analytics. It makes available all sorts of fascinating information about how many people visit the site, where they're from, which browser they use, how often they've visited, how recently they last visited, etc., etc. It's full of graphs and maps and charts and can be manipulated endlessly to provide all kinds of interesting tidbits!
For example:
Since the first of September when I began the blog, there have been 1094 visits to the website from 523 different people.
I have had visitors from 39 countries to the website! They speak 16 different languages! These countries include Bahrain, Mauritius, Norway, Serbia, Croatia, Kuwait, Germany, Austria and, of course, the US.
The most have come from the US (875) then Austria (113) then Germany (24).
The US visitors have come from 39 different states.
4 people have been to the website more than 100 times! Thank you, thank you, thank you to you 4 very, very loyal readers! I bow to you in all humility for your interest in my work. I am touched.
117 people have been to the blog 26-50 times, and another 117 have been 51-100 times. To you, I also want to express my very deep gratitude and thanks. It's wonderful knowing you are that interested in what I'm doing. Thank you.
53% of the people are returning visitors. 47% come, look, and don't return.
Most of the visitors to the website are from Virginia (619), and most of those are from the Richmond area. I get a clear feeling about that when I'm at a social function and someone comes up to me and refers to something I've written about on the blog. It is always a bit startling to have them mention it - how'd you know that?! - then I remember I wrote about it. Duh! I love knowing people are seeing my work evolve.
So... given all those stats - I have a game I want to play! There are only 11 states in the US that visitors haven't come from - Nevada, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Louisiana, Mississippi, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Iowa, and New Mexico. If you know anyone from there, would you send them a link to this blog? I want to see if I can get all 50 states accounted for before the end of the year!
Likewise, if you know people from other countries, will you pass it to them? 37 countries so far... how many can it be by Dec 31?!
Just a silly notion, but it might be fun! I'll keep you informed!